General Information

Program Structure

  • Monthly residency donation amounts are determined annually by the board based on specific property maintenance estimates and utility costs and are due by the 5th of each month.
  • Resident artists donate directly to the nonprofit organization, which then remits funds as needed to the resident advisor for maintenance, upkeep, and utilities.
  • The resident advisor must reside on-site and is responsible for property maintenance, utility management, and acting as a liaison between residents and the nonprofit.

Financial Management

  • Residency fees are considered nonrefundable donations to the nonprofit, supporting its mission and programs.
  • Donations collected and resident balances are tracked on a spreadsheet accessible to all residents and the resident advisor.
    • If donations collected exceed actual expenses, surplus funds are retained by the nonprofit for future property maintenance or improvements, subject to board approval.
    • If donations collected are insufficient to cover expenses, the resident advisor will be reimbursed with donations received as well as supplemental payment from the maintenance account if available, any balance is then carried over to the next month.
  • Facility improvements and maintenance items over certain limits may subject to board approval before being eligible for reimbursement, at discretion of the board.
  • In the event of the resident advisor's withdrawal from the residency program, any remaining funds in the maintenance account are retained by the nonprofit for other residency program uses, as directed by the board.


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