Music & AV Casting

August 5, 2024

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
     ―      Victor Hugo

Residents are always welcome to fill the house with music. Communal cast devices are located throughout the house and include nest/google home speakers and chromecasts.

Casting Etiquette

  • Keep volume levels and type of music/media respectful of time of day, quiet hours, and others activities
  • Post to chat or talk to the current caster if:
    • you have a reason to need to adjust another's media cast, such as reducing volume or removing a speaker while you are in a particular space
      • If speakers are adjusted, return them to their prior settings when leaving the space
    • you would like to change the genre, artist, or type of media playing when there's already a cast in progress
    • you suspect a cast has been abandoned and would like to turn it off
  • Be gracious about sharing cast time in common areas

How to Cast

  • - Cast media to your speaker or display >
  • Make sure you're on the wifi
  • Most media apps will have a 'Cast' button to start sharing with a speaker or chromecast
  • Use the 'Google Home' app to:
    • cast your phone audio/screen directly when there is no in app cast button
    • add speakers to the cast group to play music in more than one room

Using Voice Controls

For the privacy of residents, mic switches on the speakers are to be left in the 'off' position (orange visible on the physical toggle switch) when not in use, but you may turn on the mic when voice controls are desired. Please remember to turn off the mic when you're done in the room with the speaker.

Speaker Locations

  • Kitchen
  • Egg Room
  • Purple Bathroom
  • Blue Bathroom (2nd floor)
  • Snuggery (3rd floor)
  • Basil's Room* (3rd floor)

Chromecast Locations

  • Hyperlounge (basement)
  • Snuggery (3rd floor)

* Please avoid casting to my room without warning!