Safer spaces are welcoming, engaging and supportive. Sentient Meat is a space where people support each other and are encouraged to be themselves. It is a place where abuse and discrimination are not tolerated. We hope that everyone who interacts with us is made aware of the idea of ‘safer spaces,’ and that they are proactive in helping make this a safer space too.
All those who live, participate, visit or come to crash, party, debate, etc. are asked to be aware of their language and behavior, and to think about whether it might have a negative affect upon others. This is not a place for violence, touching people without their consent, being intolerant of someone’s religious beliefs (or lack thereof), or being creepy, sleazy, racist, ageist, sexist, hetero-sexist, trans-phobic, ableist, classist, sizeist or any other behavior or language that may perpetuate oppression.
We strive to keep our spaces safe by following simple guidelines of consent. Consent is not the absence of a 'no', but the presence of a verbal and enthuastic 'yes'. It’s based on clear communication in an environment where people feel comfortable saying no and yes, and with full trust that their boundaries will be respected. Consent is vital not just in our personal relations, but in our daily lives.
Because of our commitment to consent and safer spaces, we reserve the right ask anyone to leave who violates our safer spaces policy. We may also exclude individuals who have been called out for assault, abuse, or violating consent; inclusion in the community may depend on the needs of the wronged party.
This policy was adapted from the Coalition for Safer Spaces